Cleveland, OH

The Cleveland metropolitan area is the 28th most populous in the country, with over 2 million residents. The region has already seen a 1.4% increase in college attainment over the last 2 years, to 30.3% (source), and expects to report an even higher percentage when the Talent Dividend challenge ends in 2014.

More good news for Cleveland's efforts: A recently-announced $500,000 planning grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to develop a project called Completion by Design, with the goal to increase college graduation rates for low-incomes students under the age of 26.

Cleveland, OH Features

What's the epic story of your city?

What are your city's Talent Dividend efforts really about? What's at stake? And why should people care? Some thoughts about sharing your work with the world.

Collective impact: Cooperation within and between cities

How cities competing for the Talent Dividend Prize are sharing data, pooling resources, and supporting one another, even amid competition.
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