CEO for Cities News

Webinar: Linking learning to work, May 3

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CEOs for Cities concludes a six-part webinar series entitled "Strategies for City Success," designed specifically to meet the needs of cities participating in the Talent Dividend Network and Talent Dividend Prize Competition. 
The series began in December. Each webinar begins at 2:30 pm EST. 

The next webinar, Link Learning to Work: Engage Employers to Develop Career Paths to Support Recruitment, Retention and Readiness, is hosted by the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning and will focus on the importance of career pathway information for all stakeholders, including employers, educators, counselors, case managers, students, and incumbent workers. Stephanie Steffens, Director of the Colorado Workforce Development Council, will showcase a project sponsored by the Governor of Colorado whereby the public sector, education, employers and workforce investment entities are working together to build a statewide Career Pathways System.

During the session, CAEL will showcase interactive career maps, which are industry career overviews which provide information for all positions (entry to CEO level) including job descriptions and responsibilities, education and experience requirements, standard wage ranges and career progression opportunities. We will examine models for several industries including: Telecommunications, Health Information Management and Solar Energy.

Register for the webinar here. (Participants must register for each webinar separately.) We hope you'll join us!
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