How to tell your story: A #talentdividend live chat
The Civic Commons |
Monday, February 25, 2013
The February issue of Talent Dividend Network is all about telling your story. So many groups in so many cities are working so hard and effectively, but sometimes, getting the community to pay attention can be difficult.
Join us for
a live chat Wednesday, February 27 at 2pm EST / 11am PST to chat with some of the folks getting the most traction with #talentdividend narratives.
Joining us will be Haley Glover, Director of Convening Strategy at Lumina Foundation; Elisa Degregorio, Senior VP for Operations and Strategic Direction at the Tampa Bay Partnership; and Bill Moses,Program Director for Education at the Kresge Foundation.
The live chat is happening at
The Civic Commons, a social media environment designed explicitly for civic good. Creating an account is quick and easy and all you have to do is
go here at 2 pm EST. We hope you can join us.