The Northeast Ohio Council on Higher Education (NOCHE) is a business and higher education collaborative that works with businesses and institutions of higher education throughout the region. The Northeast Ohio Talent Dividend is one of their major programs, through which they collaborate with college and university partners, businesses, chambers of commerce, P-16 councils, nonprofit organizations and more to focus on college completion.
The steering committee is comprised of members of the Greater Akron Chamber, the Youngstown/Warren Regional Chamber, the University of Akron, the Stark Education Partnership, the Office of the Mayor of Cleveland, FirstEnergy, the Cleveland Metropolitan School District, and many others. The Northeast Ohio Talent Dividend crosses multiple sectors throughout the entire region, and provides a great example of regional collaboration.
NOCHE has been leading the Northeast Ohio Talent Dividend since 2009. One of the key strategies emphasized by the regional steering committee focuses on increasing participation in dual enrollment programs, whereby students take courses that count for both college and high school credit. The steering committee ensures that dual enrollment is a critical strategy while enabling local implementers to customize their program as necessary.
Kent State University increased the number of students in dual enrollment courses through teacher certification efforts. Lorain County Community College increased the number of and delivery method for dual enrollment courses to both increase readiness and enhance the number of students who will enter college with credits already completed. Youngstown State University developed a dual enrollment course to provide college credit and meet developmental educational requirements. These three examples illustrate local activities that support a regional shared vision.
Writer: Nicole Rupersburg
Source: NOCHE